Rules for choosing a specialty in first-, second- and long-cycle studies at the Krakow University of Economics
- During the recruitment process, a specialty is not chosen, it is chosen on specific programs during the course of studies. The vast majority of programs at the Krakow University of Economics provide specialties, but there are also programs without specialties.
- The choice of specialty takes place in the semester preceding the semester from which the specialties are planned, in accordance with the curriculum of a given program.
- Registration for a given specialty is preceded by an information campaign among students, the purpose of which is to present the program of the specialty as well as the procedure and deadlines for enrolment. The information campaign among students involves e.g., meeting lecturers of departments involved in the program and program coordinators, informing students about specialties by means of announcements, leaflets, guides, advertising films.
- On the Institute’s website, the Institute Director announces the dates of enrolment for specialties and determines their form, as well as the limit of places and the number of groups for individual specialties.
- This information is also posted on the website of the Student Service Centre.
- Registration for the specialty takes place via the USOSweb system.
- Enrolment onto the specialty is based on the ranking of the average grade obtained in the semesters preceding enrolment. Priority in enrolment is given to people with the highest grade point average (GPA).
- The condition for launching a specialty is achieving the minimum required number of students for a student group, specified in the Rector’s Ordinance on determining the number of student groups in relation to individual forms of classes.
- In the case of too few people who have chosen a given specialty, the Institute Director decides not to launch this specialty. In this case, students are assigned to one of the launched specialties.
- Persons who have not submitted a declaration of choice of specialty within the set deadlines are directed by the Institute Director to one of the launched specialties that have vacancies.
- The Institute Director informs students regarding the list of launched specialties via the Institute’s website.
- Detailed rules for the selection of a specialty are set out in the Rector’s Ordinance No. R.0211.51.2021 from 22 July 2021 (póź Rector’s Ordinance No. R.0211.33.2023 from 28 April 2023) on the introduction of the Rules for the selection of specialties and subjects (elective) in first-cycle, second-cycle and long-cycle programs.